On 10-12th October 2023 the INNOAQUA partners met in Bergen (Norway) for the first annual meeting. The General Assembly was hosted by the project coordinator NORCE Norwegian Research Centre for 3 days of collaboration.
On October 10th, NORCE hosted a welcome session before leaving the floor to the Work Package Leaders presenting their first progresses one after the other:
- Work Package 1 (WP1): Co-creation of social innovations: societal engagement and acceptance led by NORCE.
- Work Package 2 (WP2): Sustainable Aquaculture Practices led by A4F.
- Work Package 3 (WP3): Development and optimisation of processing techniques led by LEITAT.
- Work Package 4 (WP4): Formulation of innovative seafood ingredients and products led by ALGEMY.
- Work Package 5 (WP5): Sustainability, safety and regulation led by SUSTAINN.
- Work Package 6 (WP6): Communication, dissemination, and exploitation led by PEDAL.

After various inputs from all the partners on each work packages, NORCE invited the consortium to a tour at RASlab | Algae labs Marineholmen.
On October 11th, ALGEMY and LEITAT partners animated a session focusing on WP3 and WP4 formulation aspects highlighting various technical challenges and potential solutions.
Next, the first Project Steering Committee Meeting took place before gathering all the partners around Work Package 7 (WP7) focusing on project Governance and Management.
In the afternoon, PEDAL presented to the consortium the INNOAQUA Exploitation and IPR Management strategy.

The consortium partners ended the day with a site visit to the National Algaepilot Mongstad.
On October 12th, PEDAL opened with the technical aspects of the WP1 Gap analysis. This presentation was followed by another session led by ALGEMY, focusing on WP2 and WP3 Biomass and timings.
After a short break, SUSTAINN animated a complete Lyfe Cycle Analysis (LCA) session, highlighting the different technical aspect of the INNOAQUA LCA.
Finally, PERSEUS closed the discussions with a Safety and Regulatory session.